System Development
Sometimes it is hard for companies to find skilled people that are capable of development-beyond-software.
Dolphin Engineering offers System Development Services in which it is able to incorporate not only (embedded) software, but also other system components.
Having lived within R&D departments of several bigger companies Dolphin Engineering has a good grasp of how system development has to be done to get things right, in time and within budget.
Dolphin Engineering has been part of several multi-million-dollar projects where different components were integrated into bigger systems in the customers core-business.
Please contact us to see whether we can help you out in your specific system development !
Dolphin Engineering offers both Software- and System Architecture Services.
Any architect needs to feel at home in your project as a spider in its web.
To 'stick' to this parallel some more:
- Awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the (external) connections
- Awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the internal structures
- Awareness of the risks at hand
- Awareness of the team capacities. E.g. do we eat big chunks ourselves or will we pass some of it onwards (==outsource) ?
- Communication
- Knowledge-level
- IP-creation
- etc.
Dolphin Engineering has lived inside R&D departments most of the time and has a firm understanding of what gets a (software-driven) system going.
Structured WoW (CMM) combined with known modelling techniques (e.g. UML) and good communication skills will get the pictures across.
Please contact us with your specific request so we can help you out!
Software Engineering
Dolphin Engineering's main activity is Software Engineering.
Given the number of years of experience it does not really matter which language on which platform needs to be used. (Experience ranges from laser-mouse-firmware-specific-assembly to C#)
The same goes for the way of working, as Dolphin Engineering has experience in environments ranging from CMM3 and 'classic project planning' to agile/SCRUM environments.
As for software testing methods, the experience range goes from environments with 'testing-at-the-customer' to 'every component has component tests'. Dolphin Engineering has experience in setting up e.g. SVN repositories auto-built by Jenkins CI, where failing builds are properly reported by email / sms.
So yes, Dolphin Engineering is the right choice when it comes to reliable software engineering. Please feel free to contact us with your software-engineering challenges!
Project management
When you have a smaller-sized software project (<8 FTE) to be managed then Dolphin Engineering is the right partner for you.
With a lot of experience in-the-field either as foreman or team-member, Dolphin Engineering has a sound knowledge of the way software projects are (or should be) managed.
Your main goal will always be to get the software ready in time and within budget. And whether you just want a global .mpp file holding the planning or want to SCRUM-ify the project, we can adapt to the style you prefer in your organisation.
Dolphin's multi-site-development experience and global awareness will ensure your (partially outsourced) project to stay on track.
Please do not hesitate to contact us even when your project already feels as a somewhat derailed train as we are always eager to help you back on track, full speed ahead.
Second opinion
When you have spent serious money on outsourced software and you own the code but are not able to read it, then Dolphin Engineering will be the right partner to determine whether you spent your money in the intended way.
These days outsourcing is part of the game and value for money is what we all aim for. And even though your software supplier seems to be the right choice, there just may be times when you want a second opinion to check whether it all is as good as you would like it to be.
Dolphin Engineering has worked in and on multi-site soft- and hardware development and has seen different software-quality standards over the world, ranging from CMM5 software to unstructured and unreadable gibberish.
Dolphin Engineering has worked with teams in India, Singapore, Taiwan, USA, Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, England, Hungary and of course the Netherlands. Many of these sites have been visited by Dolphin Engineering.
With English 'in the pocket' and a good understanding of French and German, Dolphin Engineering can easily team-up with any software team on this globe.